My Kenya Adventure

"Whatever you do to the least of these, you have done to me."

Saturday, July 01, 2006


Well! What a past week it has been! i do not have the time to update about it right now because i am in a tiny internet cafe in nairobi where the shift key is stuck down so i can not punctuate anything :) So please bear with me as i can not capitalize much or use periods or anything of that sort!
Today christy jared and i flew into nairobi from our safari (amazing!! i will try to write about it later) This afternoon we are going to another orphanage that is in nairobi that is connected with christys church in new york! we are just going to check it out and see how it compares to the ilula childrens home and such
Tomrrow is the day!! i am heading home! i am torn about how i feel but at this point i am actually ready to be home> now that i am away from the village and the children i would rather just be at home! nairobi really has nothing of much interest to me! i could really use your prayer for the next couple of days though!
i again have a pretty long layover in london but this time i will just be staying in the airport< if you could just pray for safety of flights and just that my heart would not become too anxious! i am expecting the next couple of days to be pretty difficult because being in the airport is just like being in between worlds when i would rather just be in one or the other! but my time flying to kenya was so blessed so please pray that the same would be true about my time flying home!
also- tomorrow morning we are going to go to the african market which may sound odd to ask for prayer for, but we really could use it for that too! Being white, you get pretty intensely targeted, bombarded, scammed, etc. my prayer has just been that God would give us discretion. (The Shift key just popped up! ALRIGHT!) And that he would bless us by just putting people in our path that are people of integrity! They may be hard to find, but pray that God would just lead us to them!
It's hard to believe that my time here is up, but I also can not wait to share the things that i have seen, learned, and experienced here. The Lord has opened my eyes to so many things and i just may burst if i do not get to tell some one soon:)
From one continent to another,
Rachel Renee ChepKoech Naserian (that's the name they gave me in the maasai village) Grove


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